Westfield School District Superintendent Michelle Johnson (2023) | Westfield School District
Westfield School District Superintendent Michelle Johnson (2023) | Westfield School District
Of the 1,550 students attending Marquette County schools, 86.7% were white. Hispanic students were the second largest ethnicity, making up 8.1% of Marquette County students.
In the previous school year, white students were also the most common group in Marquette County, representing 86.2% of the student body.
Countywide, Endeavor Elementary School had the most even distribution of races, which included 69.8% white students, 22.2% Hispanic students, 3.2% Black students, 3.2% multiracial students, and 1.6% Asian students.
In the 2023-24 school year, the total number of students enrolled in public schools in the county dropped 2.7% compared to the previous year.
According to the NAEP's 2022 results, there was a significant achievement gap between ethnic groups in Wisconsin. On average, white students outperformed Black students by 40 to 50 points in mathematics and reading. Hispanic students also scored lower than their white peers in both subjects, with an average gap of about 20 points.
School Name | Most Represented Ethnicity | Percent of Total Student Body | Total Enrollment |
Endeavor Elementary School | White | 69.8% | 63 |
Forest Lane Community School | White | 89.6% | 270 |
High Marq Environmental Charter School | White | 96.9% | 32 |
Montello Junior/Senior High School | White | 89.3% | 252 |
Montello Virtual Charter School | White | 81.8% | 22 |
Oxford Elementary School | White | 86.2% | 145 |
Westfield Area High School | White | 84.5% | 290 |
Westfield Area Middle School | White | 85.6% | 174 |
Westfield Elementary School | White | 87.8% | 302 |